
Quick, Imaginative and Strategic Mind
Insatiably curious and always up for an intellectual challenge,
See things from many perspectives and use the creativity and imagination for planning contingencies and courses of action for all possible scenarios.

Independent and Decisive
No matter how popular something is, if I have a better idea, I will stand against anyone I have to in a bid to have it changed.

Hard-working and determined
If something piques my interest, I can be astonishingly dedicated to their work, putting in long hours and intense effort to see an idea through.

Stay open to new ideas, supported by logic

Excelling at analyzing anything life throws the way, I'm able to reverse-engineer the underlying methodology of most any system and apply the concepts that are exposed wherever needed.

From August 2010 to June 2014:
Study at Faculty of International Business, Hanoi Foreign Trade University (FTU).
GPA: 3.34/4

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powepoint): 
Adobe kit (Ps, Ae, Pr): 
Proshow Producer, Ulead, Audacity: 
Digital tools: Google Adwords, Facebook Ads 
Vietnamese (mother tongue), English (TOEIC 745): 


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